Third world urbanization.
Janet Abu-Lughod and Richard Hay
- Oxon Routledge 2013
- ix, 395p.
- Routledge Library Editions-The City. .
Section I: Cities and InequalityIntroduction1--. An Arab philosophy of history: Selections from the Prologema of Ibn Khaldun of Tunis (1332-1406)--2. The Prince and the Discourses, Niccolo Machiavelli--3. The city, the division of labor and the emergence of capitalism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels--4. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, V.I. LeninSection II: Past and PresentIntroduction--5. Daily life in China on the eve of the Mongol invasion, 1250-1276, Jacques Gernet--6. The condition of working-class in England, Friedrich Engels--7. The home of man, Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson)--8. Urban Latin America: the political condition from above and below, Alejandro Portes--9. Patterns of urbanization and socio-economic development in the third world: an overview, Richard Hay Jr.Section III: New Theories on Third World DevelopmentIntroduction--10. On the sociology of national development: theories and issues, Alejandro Portes--11. Dependency: a critical synthesis of the literature, Ronald H. Chilcote--12. Underdevelopment and dependence in Black Africa - origins and contemporary forms, Samir AminSection IV: Problem Manifestations in Urbanization: Regional ImbalancesIntroduction--13. The geography of modernization: paths, patterns and processes of spatial change in developing countries, Edward W. Soja and Richard J. Tobin--14. Colonialism and the spatial structure of underdevelopment: outlines of an alternative approach, with special reference to Tanzania, D. Slater--15. Center and periphery in the development process: the case of Peru, Bryan R. RobertsMigration in Rural AreasIntroduction--16. Rural-urban mobility in South and Southeast Asia: different formulations... different answers?, T.G. Mcgee--17. The political sociology of cityward migration in Latin America: Toward empirical theory, Wayne A. Cornelius, Jr.--18. The African crowd in Nairobi: popular movements and elite politics, Frank FurediJobs and Class StratificationIntroduction--19. The life of a Jakarta street trader, Lea Jellinek--20. The persistence of the proto-proletariat: occupational structures and planning of the future of third world cities, T.G. McGee21. International corporations, labor aristocracies and economical development in tropical Africa, Giovanni Arrighi--22. Contrasts and continuity in a dependent city: Kano, Nigeria, Paul M. LubeckHousing, Squatting and the Self-Help PrincipleIntroduction--23. Squatting and squatters, Charles Abrams--24. Hooverville - a community of homeless men, Donald Francis Roy--25. The case of 'The People Vs. Mr. Urbano Planner Y Adminstrador', May Racelis Hollnsteiner--26. Development alternatives for the Peruvian Barriada, Diego Robles Rivas--27. Housing-settlement types, arrangements for living, proletarianization and the social structure of the city, Anthony LeedsSection V: Goals and PoliciesIntroduction--28. Declaration of Principles, HABITAT: united nations conference on human settlements--29. Policies, planning and institutions, HABITAT: United Nations conference on human settlements--30. Territorial and social problems in socialist China, Enzo Mingione