Akintoye, Akintola e

Policy, finance & management for public-private partnership - West Sussex John WILEY & Sons 2009 - xxxiii,: 469p.

Private finance initiative in use --
Using the private sector to finance capital expenditure : the financial realities --
Obstacles to accountability in PFI projects --
Refinancing and profitability of UK PFI projects --
The dedicated PPP unit of the South African National Treasury --
PPP in Greenfield Airport development : a case study of Cochin International Airport Limited --
PPPs for physical infrastructure in developing countries --
Team building for PPPs --
PPP infrastructure investments : critical aspects and prospects --
Patterns of financing PPP projects --
PPP financing in the USA --
Financial modelling of PPP projects --
Application of real options in PPP infrastructure projects : opportunties and challenges --
Financial implications of power purchase agreement clauses in revenue stream of independent power producers in Nepal --
Government policy on PPP financial issues : bid compensation and financial renegotiation --
Innovation in PPP --
Combining finance and design innovation to develop winning proposals --
The application of a whole-life value methodology to PPP/PFI projects --
Best value procurement in build operate transfer projects : the Turkish experience --
Application of risk analysis in privately financed projects : the value for money assessment through the public sector comparator and private finance alternative --
Developing a framework for procurement --
The payment mechanism in operational PFI projects --
Concession period determination for PPP infrastructure projects in Hong Kong.


Public-private sector cooperation.

332.1068 / POL