Grace, Gerald ed.

Education and the city / edited by Gerald Grace - Oxon: Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xiii, 302p. - Routledge library editions. The city. Sociology of the city .

Part 1: The study of the urban—
1. Urban education: policy science or critical scholarship? Gerald grace—
2. Urban education and the current crisis, rachel sharp—
3. Theorising the urban: some approaches for students of education, gerald grace—
Part 2: Historical location—
4. Reconstructing the history of urban education in america, sol cohen—
5. The university of settlements, class relations and the city, tony evans6. The urban, the domestic and education for girls, mica nava—
Part 3: Contemporary policy and practice—
7. Policy for schools in inner london, frances morrell—
8. Education in new york city: public schools for whom? Dale mann—
10. Teachers for the inner city: change and continuity, christopher crook

City schools, especially those attended by working class and ethnic minority pupils are the catalysts of many significant issues in educational debate and policy making. This book presents a foundation for a more historically located and critically informed inquiry into problems, conflicts and contradictions in urban schooling


Education- Urban-History

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