Rodrigue, Jean-Paul,

The geography of transport systems / Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois and Brian Slack. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2009. - xv, 352 p.

1. Transportation and Geography Concepts: What is Transport Geography? Transportation and Space The Geography of Transportation Networks Methods: Definition and Properties of Graph Theory Measures and Indices of Graph Theory Geographic Information Systems for Transportation (GIS-T) Case Study: Teaching Transport Geography --
2. Transportation and the Spatial Structure Concepts: Historical Evolution of Transportation Transport and Spatial Organization Transport and Location Future Transportation Methods: The Notion of Accessibility Network Data Models Case Study: UPS and the Management of Distribution Networks --
3. Transportation and the Economy Concepts: Transport and Economic Development Transportation and Commercial Geography Transport Costs Transport Supply and Demand Methods: The Transportation Problem (Linear programming) Market Area Analysis Case Study: The Financing of Transportation Infrastructure --
4. Transportation Modes Concepts: A Diversity of Modes Intermodal Transportation Passengers or Freight? Methods: Technical Performance Indicators Symbolization of Transport Features in a GIS Case Study: Maersk Shipping Line --
5. Transportation Terminals Concepts: The Function of Transport Terminals Terminals and Location Ports and Rail Terminals Airports Methods: Gini Coefficient Delphi Forecasting Case Study: Chicago and Intermodal Rail Terminals --
6. International Trade and Freight Distribution Concepts: Transportation, Globalization and International Trade Commodity Chains and Freight Transportation Logistics Methods: Spatial Interactions The Gravity Model Case Study: Commodity Chain Analysis --
7. Urban Transportation Concepts: Transportation and Urban Form Urban Land Use and Transportation Urban Mobility Urban Transport Problems Methods: Traffic Counts and Traffic Surveys Transportation / Land Use Modeling Case Study: City Logistics --
8. Transport, Energy and Environment Concepts: Transport and Energy The Environmental Impacts of Transportation Transport and Sustainability Methods: Transport Environmental Management Case Study: Environmental Practices in Sweden Maritime Transport --
9. Transport Planning and Policy Concepts: The Nature of Transport Policy The Policy Process Transport Planning Transport Safety and Security Methods: Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Study: Security, Transport and Health Planning: The Challenge of Pandemics

9780415483230 (hbk) 0415483239 (hbk) 9780415483247 (pbk) 0415483247 (pbk) 9780203884157 0203884159

Transportation geography.
