Gopal, Lallanji

Economic life of northern India c.A.D. 700 - 1200 / by Lllanji Gopal - 2nd - Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass, 1989. - xxviii,366p.

Reprint. Originally published: Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1989.
Previous edition: 1965.

1.Ownership of land --
2.Revenue system --
3.Slavery --
4.Guilds --
5.Inland trade --
6.Foreign trade (a) land route --
7.Foreign trade (b) sea route --
8.Credit and banking --
9.Coinage system --
Conclusion --
Appendix I : Sāmanta : its varying significance in ancient India --
Appendix II : Technique of agriculture.


Economic conditions-India

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