Text book of estimating costing and valuation /
by Gurcharan Singh
- Delhi: Standard pub., 2010.
- 701 p.
1.Introduction-- 2.Elements of estimating-- 3.Methods of estimating-- 4.Building estimates-- 5.Estimates of different types of roofs-- 6.R.C.C. works-- 7.Doors and windows-- 8.Estimate of culverts-- 9.Estimate of sanitary and water supply works-- 10.Earth work and roads-- 11.Irrigation works-- 12.Specifications-- 13.Types of estimates and transport-- 14.Analysis of rates-- 15.Estimate of quantities of materials and transport-- 16.Report making and technical data for project estimate-- 17.Valuation-- 18.Network planning and scheduling technique -- 19.Arbitrartion-- 20.Contracts -- 21.P.W.D accounts -- 22.Schedule of rates.