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Genetic response of forest systems to changing environmen l conditions / edited by Gerhard Muller Stark and Roland Schubert

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publication details: Kluwer Academic Pub., 2001. Dordrecht:Description: xvii, 363 pISBN:
  • 9781402002366
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 634.956 GEN
Contributors -- Stress responses in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Cloning and characterisation of an ozone-inducible pinosylvin methyltransferase -- Screening of Sitka spruce genotypes for resistance to the White Pine Weevil in British Columbia -- Genetic variation in two heavily polluted stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) as indicated by nuclear and organelle DNA markers -- Effects of extreme SO[subscript 2]-air pollution in winter 1995/96 on vitality and growth of SO[subscript 2]-tolerant Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) clones in the Ore mountains -- Variation in adaptation and growth as indicated by provenance trial Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco -- Influence of nursery environment and pollution on alders -- Small scale spatial genetic structure of six tropical tree species in French Guiana -- Genetic variation in natural populations of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze in Brazil -- Microsatellite DNA markers and their usefulness in poplars, and conservation of microsatellite DNA loci in Salicaceae -- PCR-RFLP analysis of introns of nuclear genes in Populus and Prunus -- Genetic types in white oak populations north of the Alps and in the Danube valley -- Highly polymorphic uniparentally inherited DNA markers for spatial genetic analysis of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations -- Levels of genetic differentiation in Pinus halepensis Mill. in Spain using quantitative traits, isozymes, RAPDs and cp-microsatellites -- Geographical variation of gene diversity of Pinus pinaster Ait. in the Iberian Peninsula -- Is autochthony an operational concept? -- Molecular markers in sustainable management, conservation, and restoration of forest genetic resources -- Sustainable treatment of resources: The genetic basis -- Genetic diversity and differentiation of individual effective pollen clouds in trees -- Microsatellite analysis of small anonymous seedlot samples from pedunculate oak (Quercus robur): a promising approach to monitor the number of different seed parents and pollen donors -- Fructification and genetic structures of Fagus sylvatica mixed stands in upper regions of the Harz mountains -- Dispersal of seed and effective pollen in small stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) -- Patterns of seed dispersal in a scattered forest tree species (Sorbus torminalis) based on multi-scale investigation of population genetic structure for chloroplast DNA -- Gene flow and mating system in a seedling seed orchard and a natural stand of Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese in Indonesia -- The pattern of genetic variation in Pinus nigra subspecies pallasiana natural populations from the Kazdagi and Bolkar mountains, Turkey: Implications for in situ gene conservation -- Genetic variation of silver fir (Abies alba) in unevenaged forests ("Plenter" forest) in comparison with evenaged forests (Altersklassenwald) -- Multiple population breeding for uncertain climatic futures with Alnus rubra: ecological genetics and selection experiments -- Early growth characteristics of some Abies hybrids -- Field testing of model populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) with different genetic structures for reforestation in air polluted regions -- Provenance-environment interactions of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) on German and Hungarian test sites.
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Contributors --
Stress responses in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Cloning and characterisation of an ozone-inducible pinosylvin methyltransferase --
Screening of Sitka spruce genotypes for resistance to the White Pine Weevil in British Columbia --
Genetic variation in two heavily polluted stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) as indicated by nuclear and organelle DNA markers --
Effects of extreme SO[subscript 2]-air pollution in winter 1995/96 on vitality and growth of SO[subscript 2]-tolerant Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) clones in the Ore mountains --
Variation in adaptation and growth as indicated by provenance trial Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco --
Influence of nursery environment and pollution on alders --
Small scale spatial genetic structure of six tropical tree species in French Guiana --
Genetic variation in natural populations of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze in Brazil --
Microsatellite DNA markers and their usefulness in poplars, and conservation of microsatellite DNA loci in Salicaceae --
PCR-RFLP analysis of introns of nuclear genes in Populus and Prunus --
Genetic types in white oak populations north of the Alps and in the Danube valley --
Highly polymorphic uniparentally inherited DNA markers for spatial genetic analysis of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations --
Levels of genetic differentiation in Pinus halepensis Mill. in Spain using quantitative traits, isozymes, RAPDs and cp-microsatellites --
Geographical variation of gene diversity of Pinus pinaster Ait. in the Iberian Peninsula --
Is autochthony an operational concept? --
Molecular markers in sustainable management, conservation, and restoration of forest genetic resources --
Sustainable treatment of resources: The genetic basis --
Genetic diversity and differentiation of individual effective pollen clouds in trees --
Microsatellite analysis of small anonymous seedlot samples from pedunculate oak (Quercus robur): a promising approach to monitor the number of different seed parents and pollen donors --
Fructification and genetic structures of Fagus sylvatica mixed stands in upper regions of the Harz mountains --
Dispersal of seed and effective pollen in small stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) --
Patterns of seed dispersal in a scattered forest tree species (Sorbus torminalis) based on multi-scale investigation of population genetic structure for chloroplast DNA --
Gene flow and mating system in a seedling seed orchard and a natural stand of Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese in Indonesia --
The pattern of genetic variation in Pinus nigra subspecies pallasiana natural populations from the Kazdagi and Bolkar mountains, Turkey: Implications for in situ gene conservation --
Genetic variation of silver fir (Abies alba) in unevenaged forests ("Plenter" forest) in comparison with evenaged forests (Altersklassenwald) --
Multiple population breeding for uncertain climatic futures with Alnus rubra: ecological genetics and selection experiments --
Early growth characteristics of some Abies hybrids --
Field testing of model populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) with different genetic structures for reforestation in air polluted regions --
Provenance-environment interactions of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) on German and Hungarian test sites.

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