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Environment and planning / edited by Nigel Thrift [and others].

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Series: SAGE library of urban and regional researchAnalytics: Show analyticsPublication details: Los Angeles : SAGE, 2012.Description: 5 volumesISBN:
  • 9781446208083 (set)
  • 1446208087 (set)
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 307.12 ENV
Library has vol A-E Vol A : Cities and regions / edited by Nigel Thrift, Trevor J. Barnes and Jamie Peck -- Vol B : Planning and design / edited by Michael Batty and Paul A. Longley -- Vol C : Government and policy / edited by Robert J. Bennett -- Vol D : Society and space / edited by Stuart Elden -- Vol E : Foundations / edited by Stuart Elden [and others].
Volume A : Cities And Regions Production, Consumption, Networks -- 'It's Gotta Be Da Shoes': Domestic Manufacturing, International Subcontracting, and the Production of Athletic Footwear / Richard Barff and Jonathan Austen -- External Control and Regional Development: The Case of Scotland / John Firn -- The Technopoles of Southern California / Allen Scott -- Whither Global Production Networks in Economic Geography? Past, Present, and Future / Martin Hess and Henry Wai/Chung Yeung -- Displacement, Consumption, and Identity / Philip Crang-- Understanding Alternative Food Networks: Exploring the Role of Short Food Supply Chains in Rural Development / Henk Renting, -- Terry Marsden and Jo Banks The Politics of Relocation: Gender, Nationality, and Value in a Mexican Maquiladora / Melissa Wright -- Nature, Environment, Ecologies -- At the End of Nature: Cyborgs, 'Humachines', and Environments in Postmodernity / Timothy Luke -- First World Political Ecology: Lessons from the Wise Use Movement / James McCarthy -- Back to the Land: The Paradox of Organic Food Standards / Julie Guthman -- Power, Nature, and the City: The Conquest of Water and the Political Ecology of Urbanization in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1880 / 1990 / Erik Swyngedouw -- Pimping Climate Change: Richard Branson, Global Warming, and the Performance of Green Capitalism / Scott Prudham -- Strategy, Regulation, Governance -- Corporate Strategy and Corporate Strategists: Power, Identity, and Knowledge within the Firm / Erica Schoenberger -- Embedded Statism / Peter Taylor -- 'Real' Regulation: The Administrative State / Gordon Clark -- Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare Regime in Britain? Reflections on Regulation, Governance, and Welfare State / Bob Jessop -- Trojan Pig: Paradoxes of Food Safety Regulation / Elizabeth Dunn -- Globalization, Regionalization, Locality -- From Localised Social Structures to Localities as Agents / Kevin Cox and Andrew Mair -- The Political Place of Locality Studies / David Massey -- Regional and Interregional Interdependencies: Alternative Accounting Systems / Geoffrey Hewings -- The Elusive Concept of Localization Economies: Towards a Knowledge/Based Theory of Spatial Clustering / Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell -- Globalization and the Production of New Urban Spaces: Pacific Rim Megaprojects in the Late 20th Century / Kris Olds -- Deconstructing Regions: Notes on the Scales of Spatial Life / Annssi Paasi-- Spatialities of Globalisation / Ash Amin --
Volume B : Planning And Design -- Building Morphologies -- The Palladian Grammar / George Stiny and William Mitchell -- The Bungalows of Buffalo / F Downing and U Flemming - A Palladian Construction Grammar / Design Reasoning with Shape Grammars and Rapid Prototyping / Larry Sass -- Architectural Morphospace: Mapping Worlds of Built Forms / Philip Steadman and Linda Mitchell -- Urban Flows, Forms and Fields -- To Take Hold of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields / Michael Benedikt -- From Isovists to Visibility Graphs: A Methodology for the Analysis of Architectural Space / Alasdair Turner etal-- A Statistical Examination of Visual Depth in Building Elevations / Andrew Crompton and Frank Brown -- Natural Movement: Or, Configuration and Attraction in Urban Pedestrian Movement / Bill Hillier et al -- Self/Organizing Pedestrian Movement / Dirk Helbing et al -- The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach / Sergio Porta, Paolo Crucitti and Vito Latora Urban Simulation -- Graph/Cellular Automata: A Generalised Discrete Urban and Regional Model / David O'Sullivan-- A Self/Modifying Cellular Automaton Model of Historical Urbanization in the San Francisco Bay Area / Keith Clarke, Stacy Hoppen and Leonard Gaydos -- SIMPOP: A Multiagent System for the Study of Urbanism / Lena Sanders et al -- Urban Settlement Transitions / Claes Andersson, Steen Rasmussen and Roger White-- Building a City In Vitro: The Experiment and the Simulation Model / Erez Hatna and Itzhak Benenson Planning and Design Processes -- Evolution, Modelling and Design in a Complex World / Peter Allen -- The Myth of Rationality: Development Planning Reconsidered / Melvin Webber-- To Plan or Not to Plan, that is the Question: Transaction Cost Theory and its Implications for Planning / Ernest Alexander -- Planning as Argumentation / Harvey Goldstein -- Structure of a Planning Support System for Urban Development / Lewis Hopkins-- Interactive Multimedia Planning Support: Moving from Stand/Alone Systems to the World Wide Web / Michael Shiffer --
Volume C: Government And Policy -- Decentralization -- The Global Trend towards Devolution and its Implications / Andres Rodriguez/Pose and Nicholas Gill -- Closing the Gap: Fiscal Imbalances and Intergovernmental Transfers in Developed Federations / Richard Bird and Andrey Tarasov -- Local Government Systems: From Historic Divergence towards Convergence? Great Britain, France, and Germany as Comparative Cases in Point / Hellmut Wollmann -- Environmental Policy -- On the 'Efficient Boundaries of the State': The Contribution of Transaction/Costs Economics to the Analysis of Decentralization and Devolution in Natural Resource Management / Regina Birner and Heidi Wittmer-- Europeanisation and the Uneven Convergence of Environmental Policy: Explaining the Geography of EMAS / Richard Perkins and Eric Neumayer -- Participatory Methods for Water Resources Planning / Giorgos Kallis et al -- Governing Space: Planning Reform and the Politics of Sustainability / Richard Cowell and Susan Owens Environmental Governance -- The Governance of Sustainable Development: Taking Stock and Looking Forwards / Andrew Jordan-- Corporations and the Governance of Environmental Risk / Andrew Gouldson and Jan Bebbington-- Representing People, Representing Nature, Representing the World / John O'Neill -- Urban Policies and Regimes-- Urban Regime Theory in Comparative Perspective / Gerry Stoker and Karen Mossberger -- The Rise of Urban Growth Coalitions, UK/Style? / Alan Harding -- The Urban Transition in Sub/Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities / Christine Kessides-- Urban Processes in the Face of China's Transition to a Socialist Market Economy / Fulong Wu-- Intergovernmental Social Transfers and the Welfare State: Menace or Promise? / Douglas Ashford Local Economic Development Policy -- Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy: Knowledge and Local Development Policies / Edward Malecki-- The Molecular Biology Revolution and the Rise of Bioscience Megacentres in North America and Europe / Philip Cooke-- Institutional Innovations, Asymmetric Decentralization, and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Kunshan, in Post/Mao China / Shiuh/Shen Chien -- The Restructuring of Municipal Services: A Canada / United States Comparison / Robert Hebdon and Patrice Jalette -- Small Businesses Policy and Regulation -- The Public Choice Approach to Tax Reform / Geoffrey Brennan -- Modelling the Impact of Taxation on the Small/Business Economy: The Natwest/MBS Tax Index for the Self/Employed, Sole/Traders, and Partnerships / P Panikkos Poutziouris, Francis Chittenden and Nicos Michaelas-- SME Policy Support in Britain since the 1990s: What Have We Learnt? / Robert Bennett--
Volume D : Society And Space-- Corporeal Cartographies-- Power, Space, and the Body: A Critical Assessment of Foucault's Discipline And Punish / Felix Driver-- The Body in Theory / Felicity Callard-- Bodies and Spaces: An Exploration of Disabled People's Experiences of Public Space / Ruth Butler and Sophia Bowlby-- A Corporeal Geography of Consumption / Gill Valentine -- Gender and Performativity-- Gender, Class, and Space / Gerry Pratt and Susan Hanson Boys Town / Rosalyn Deutsche -- Taking Butler Elsewhere: Performativities, Spatialities and Subjectivities / Nicky Gregson and Gillian Rose Human and Non/Human Landscapes-- (Re)Reading the Landscape / Jim Duncan and Nancy Duncan -- Animals, Geography, and the City: Notes on Inclusions and Exclusions / Chris Philo -- Burning Cities: A Posthumanist Account of Australians and Eucalypts / Adrian Franklin-- Where Eagles Dare: An Ethno/Fable with Personal Landfill / Shiloh Krupar -- Political Economies -- Postmodernism in Economic Geography: Metaphor and the Construction of Alterity / Trevor Barnes and --Michael Curry Geographies of Consumption: A Commodity/Chain Approach / Elaine Hartwick -- Transnational Hegemony and US Labor Foreign Policy: Towards a Gramscian International Labor Geography / Jim Glassman -- Hawala Discourses and the War on Terrorist Finance / Marieke de Goede -- Geopolitics -- (Dis)Placing Geopolitics: Writing on the Maps of Global Politics / Gearoid O Tuathail -- Mapping Schengenland: Denaturalizing the Border / William Walters -- From Arab Land to 'Israel Lands': The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948 / Geremy Forman and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar -- Justice and the Geographies of Moral Protest: Reflections from Mexico / Melissa Wright --
Volume Five: Foundations -- The City-- Taking Los Angeles Apart: Some Fragments of a Critical Human Geography / Edward Soja -- Governing Cities: Notes on the Spatialisation of Virtue / Thomas Osborne and Nikolas Rose -- Retrieving the Baby from the Bathwater: Slum Upgrading in Sub/Saharan Africa / Sumila Gulyani and Ellen Bassett -- Urban Transformation in China, 1949 / 2000: A Review and Research Agenda / Laurence Ma -- Space and Social Theory-- Theorizing Sociospatial Relations / Bob Jessop, Neil Brenner and Martin Jones -- Crisis, Planning, and the Quality of Life: Managing the New Historical Relationships between Space and Society / Manuel Castells-- 'Deconstructing' Architects' Houses / Julienne Hanson -- Actor/Networks and the Evolution of Economic Forms: Combining Description and Explanation in Theories of Regulation, Flexible Specialization, and Networks / Jonathan Murdoch -- The New Mobilities Paradigm / Mimi Sheller and John Urry -- Planning Theory and Practice -- Between Modernity and Postmodernity: The Ambiguous Position of US Planning / Robert Beauregard -- Strategic (Spatial) Planning Reexamined / Louis Albrechts-- Building Institutional Capacity through Collaborative Approaches to Urban Planning / Patsy Healey -- Individual Determinants of Participation in Community Development in Indonesia / Victoria Beard -- Models, Modeling and Simulation-- Models Design Machines / George Stiny and Lionel March-- On the Description of Shape and Spatial Configuration inside Buildings: Convex Partitions and their Local Properties / John Peponis et al -- Equilibrium Values and Dynamics of Attractiveness Terms in Production/Constrained Spatial/Interaction Models / B Harris and A G Wilson-- Modelling the Local Impacts of National Social Policies: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach / Dimitris Ballas and Graham Clarke -- New Economies-- Moral Money? LETS and the Social Construction of Local Economic Geographies in Southeast England / Roger Lee-- The Internet and the Rise of the New Network Cities, 1969 / 1999 / Anthony Townsend -- Industry Building as Contested Market Building: Knowledge, Politics, and the Rise of Beijing in China's Virtual Economy / Jun Zhang-- Universities, Innovation, and Territorial Development: A Review of the Evidence / Helen Lawton Smith.
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Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 307.12 ENV (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.1 Cop. 1 Not for loan 006204
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 307.12 ENV (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.2 Cop. 2 Not for loan 006205
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 307.12 ENV (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.3 Cop. 3 Not for loan 006206
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 307.12 ENV (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.4 Cop. 4 Not for loan 006207
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 307.12 ENV (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.5 Cop. 5 Not for loan 006208
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Library has vol A-E
Vol A : Cities and regions / edited by Nigel Thrift, Trevor J. Barnes and Jamie Peck --
Vol B : Planning and design / edited by Michael Batty and Paul A. Longley --
Vol C : Government and policy / edited by Robert J. Bennett --
Vol D : Society and space / edited by Stuart Elden --
Vol E : Foundations / edited by Stuart Elden [and others].

Volume A : Cities And Regions
Production, Consumption, Networks --
'It's Gotta Be Da Shoes': Domestic Manufacturing, International Subcontracting, and the Production of Athletic Footwear / Richard Barff and Jonathan Austen --
External Control and Regional Development: The Case of Scotland / John Firn --
The Technopoles of Southern California / Allen Scott --
Whither Global Production Networks in Economic Geography? Past, Present, and Future / Martin Hess and Henry Wai/Chung Yeung --
Displacement, Consumption, and Identity / Philip Crang--
Understanding Alternative Food Networks: Exploring the Role of Short Food Supply Chains in Rural Development / Henk Renting, --
Terry Marsden and Jo Banks The Politics of Relocation: Gender, Nationality, and Value in a Mexican Maquiladora / Melissa Wright --
Nature, Environment, Ecologies --
At the End of Nature: Cyborgs, 'Humachines', and Environments in Postmodernity / Timothy Luke --
First World Political Ecology: Lessons from the Wise Use Movement / James McCarthy --
Back to the Land: The Paradox of Organic Food Standards / Julie Guthman --
Power, Nature, and the City: The Conquest of Water and the Political Ecology of Urbanization in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1880 / 1990 / Erik Swyngedouw --
Pimping Climate Change: Richard Branson, Global Warming, and the Performance of Green Capitalism / Scott Prudham --
Strategy, Regulation, Governance --
Corporate Strategy and Corporate Strategists: Power, Identity, and Knowledge within the Firm / Erica Schoenberger --
Embedded Statism / Peter Taylor --
'Real' Regulation: The Administrative State / Gordon Clark --
Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare Regime in Britain? Reflections on Regulation, Governance, and Welfare State / Bob Jessop --
Trojan Pig: Paradoxes of Food Safety Regulation / Elizabeth Dunn --
Globalization, Regionalization, Locality --
From Localised Social Structures to Localities as Agents / Kevin Cox and Andrew Mair --
The Political Place of Locality Studies / David Massey --
Regional and Interregional Interdependencies: Alternative Accounting Systems / Geoffrey Hewings --
The Elusive Concept of Localization Economies: Towards a Knowledge/Based Theory of Spatial Clustering / Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell --
Globalization and the Production of New Urban Spaces: Pacific Rim Megaprojects in the Late 20th Century / Kris Olds --
Deconstructing Regions: Notes on the Scales of Spatial Life / Annssi Paasi--
Spatialities of Globalisation / Ash Amin --

Volume B : Planning And Design --
Building Morphologies --
The Palladian Grammar / George Stiny and William Mitchell --
The Bungalows of Buffalo / F Downing and U Flemming -
A Palladian Construction Grammar / Design Reasoning with Shape Grammars and Rapid Prototyping / Larry Sass --
Architectural Morphospace: Mapping Worlds of Built Forms / Philip Steadman and Linda Mitchell --
Urban Flows, Forms and Fields --
To Take Hold of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields / Michael Benedikt --
From Isovists to Visibility Graphs: A Methodology for the Analysis of Architectural Space / Alasdair Turner etal--
A Statistical Examination of Visual Depth in Building Elevations / Andrew Crompton and Frank Brown --
Natural Movement: Or, Configuration and Attraction in Urban Pedestrian Movement / Bill Hillier et al --
Self/Organizing Pedestrian Movement / Dirk Helbing et al --
The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach / Sergio Porta, Paolo Crucitti and Vito Latora
Urban Simulation --
Graph/Cellular Automata: A Generalised Discrete Urban and Regional Model / David O'Sullivan--
A Self/Modifying Cellular Automaton Model of Historical Urbanization in the San Francisco Bay Area / Keith Clarke, Stacy Hoppen and Leonard Gaydos --
SIMPOP: A Multiagent System for the Study of Urbanism / Lena Sanders et al --
Urban Settlement Transitions / Claes Andersson, Steen Rasmussen and Roger White--
Building a City In Vitro: The Experiment and the Simulation Model / Erez Hatna and Itzhak Benenson
Planning and Design Processes --
Evolution, Modelling and Design in a Complex World / Peter Allen --
The Myth of Rationality: Development Planning Reconsidered / Melvin Webber--
To Plan or Not to Plan, that is the Question: Transaction Cost Theory and its Implications for Planning / Ernest Alexander --
Planning as Argumentation / Harvey Goldstein --
Structure of a Planning Support System for Urban Development / Lewis Hopkins--
Interactive Multimedia Planning Support: Moving from Stand/Alone Systems to the World Wide Web / Michael Shiffer --

Volume C: Government And Policy --
Decentralization --
The Global Trend towards Devolution and its Implications / Andres Rodriguez/Pose and Nicholas Gill --
Closing the Gap: Fiscal Imbalances and Intergovernmental Transfers in Developed Federations / Richard Bird and Andrey Tarasov --
Local Government Systems: From Historic Divergence towards Convergence? Great Britain, France, and Germany as Comparative Cases in Point / Hellmut Wollmann --
Environmental Policy --
On the 'Efficient Boundaries of the State': The Contribution of Transaction/Costs Economics to the Analysis of Decentralization and Devolution in Natural Resource Management / Regina Birner and Heidi Wittmer--
Europeanisation and the Uneven Convergence of Environmental Policy: Explaining the Geography of EMAS / Richard Perkins and Eric Neumayer --
Participatory Methods for Water Resources Planning / Giorgos Kallis et al --
Governing Space: Planning Reform and the Politics of Sustainability / Richard Cowell and Susan Owens
Environmental Governance --
The Governance of Sustainable Development: Taking Stock and Looking Forwards / Andrew Jordan--
Corporations and the Governance of Environmental Risk / Andrew Gouldson and Jan Bebbington--
Representing People, Representing Nature, Representing the World / John O'Neill --
Urban Policies and Regimes--
Urban Regime Theory in Comparative Perspective / Gerry Stoker and Karen Mossberger --
The Rise of Urban Growth Coalitions, UK/Style? / Alan Harding --
The Urban Transition in Sub/Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities / Christine Kessides--
Urban Processes in the Face of China's Transition to a Socialist Market Economy / Fulong Wu--
Intergovernmental Social Transfers and the Welfare State: Menace or Promise? / Douglas Ashford
Local Economic Development Policy --
Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy: Knowledge and Local Development Policies / Edward Malecki--
The Molecular Biology Revolution and the Rise of Bioscience Megacentres in North America and Europe / Philip Cooke--
Institutional Innovations, Asymmetric Decentralization, and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Kunshan, in Post/Mao China / Shiuh/Shen Chien --
The Restructuring of Municipal Services: A Canada / United States Comparison / Robert Hebdon and Patrice Jalette --
Small Businesses Policy and Regulation --
The Public Choice Approach to Tax Reform / Geoffrey Brennan --
Modelling the Impact of Taxation on the Small/Business Economy: The Natwest/MBS Tax Index for the Self/Employed, Sole/Traders, and Partnerships / P Panikkos Poutziouris, Francis Chittenden and Nicos Michaelas--
SME Policy Support in Britain since the 1990s: What Have We Learnt? / Robert Bennett--

Volume D : Society And Space--
Corporeal Cartographies--
Power, Space, and the Body: A Critical Assessment of Foucault's Discipline And Punish / Felix Driver--
The Body in Theory / Felicity Callard--
Bodies and Spaces: An Exploration of Disabled People's Experiences of Public Space / Ruth Butler and Sophia Bowlby--
A Corporeal Geography of Consumption / Gill Valentine --
Gender and Performativity--
Gender, Class, and Space / Gerry Pratt and Susan Hanson Boys Town / Rosalyn Deutsche --
Taking Butler Elsewhere: Performativities, Spatialities and Subjectivities / Nicky Gregson and Gillian Rose
Human and Non/Human Landscapes--
(Re)Reading the Landscape / Jim Duncan and Nancy Duncan --
Animals, Geography, and the City: Notes on Inclusions and Exclusions / Chris Philo --
Burning Cities: A Posthumanist Account of Australians and Eucalypts / Adrian Franklin--
Where Eagles Dare: An Ethno/Fable with Personal Landfill / Shiloh Krupar --
Political Economies --
Postmodernism in Economic Geography: Metaphor and the Construction of Alterity / Trevor Barnes and --Michael Curry
Geographies of Consumption: A Commodity/Chain Approach / Elaine Hartwick --
Transnational Hegemony and US Labor Foreign Policy: Towards a Gramscian International Labor Geography / Jim Glassman --
Hawala Discourses and the War on Terrorist Finance / Marieke de Goede --
Geopolitics --
(Dis)Placing Geopolitics: Writing on the Maps of Global Politics / Gearoid O Tuathail --
Mapping Schengenland: Denaturalizing the Border / William Walters --
From Arab Land to 'Israel Lands': The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948 / Geremy Forman and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar --
Justice and the Geographies of Moral Protest: Reflections from Mexico / Melissa Wright --

Volume Five: Foundations --
The City--
Taking Los Angeles Apart: Some Fragments of a Critical Human Geography / Edward Soja --
Governing Cities: Notes on the Spatialisation of Virtue / Thomas Osborne and Nikolas Rose --
Retrieving the Baby from the Bathwater: Slum Upgrading in Sub/Saharan Africa / Sumila Gulyani and Ellen Bassett --
Urban Transformation in China, 1949 / 2000: A Review and Research Agenda / Laurence Ma --
Space and Social Theory--
Theorizing Sociospatial Relations / Bob Jessop, Neil Brenner and Martin Jones --
Crisis, Planning, and the Quality of Life: Managing the New Historical Relationships between Space and Society / Manuel Castells--
'Deconstructing' Architects' Houses / Julienne Hanson --
Actor/Networks and the Evolution of Economic Forms: Combining Description and Explanation in Theories of Regulation, Flexible Specialization, and Networks / Jonathan Murdoch --
The New Mobilities Paradigm / Mimi Sheller and John Urry --
Planning Theory and Practice --
Between Modernity and Postmodernity: The Ambiguous Position of US Planning / Robert Beauregard --
Strategic (Spatial) Planning Reexamined / Louis Albrechts--
Building Institutional Capacity through Collaborative Approaches to Urban Planning / Patsy Healey --
Individual Determinants of Participation in Community Development in Indonesia / Victoria Beard --
Models, Modeling and Simulation--
Models Design Machines / George Stiny and Lionel March--
On the Description of Shape and Spatial Configuration inside Buildings: Convex Partitions and their Local Properties / John Peponis et al --
Equilibrium Values and Dynamics of Attractiveness Terms in Production/Constrained Spatial/Interaction Models / B Harris and A G Wilson--
Modelling the Local Impacts of National Social Policies: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach / Dimitris Ballas and Graham Clarke --
New Economies--
Moral Money? LETS and the Social Construction of Local Economic Geographies in Southeast England / Roger Lee--
The Internet and the Rise of the New Network Cities, 1969 / 1999 / Anthony Townsend --
Industry Building as Contested Market Building: Knowledge, Politics, and the Rise of Beijing in China's Virtual Economy / Jun Zhang--
Universities, Innovation, and Territorial Development: A Review of the Evidence / Helen Lawton Smith.

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