Heritage values in site management:
De la Torre, Marta [et. al.].
Heritage values in site management: four case studies. Marta de la Torre [et. al.]. - Los Angeles Getty Conservation Institute 2005 - v, 233p. 1 CD-ROM
With CD
1.Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site --
2.Chaco Culture National Historical Park --
3.Port Arthur Historic Site --
4.Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site.
The analysis of the four sites featured in Heritage Values in Site Management: Four Case Studies provides a wealth of insights into the creation and management of heritage values. This publication, accompanied by a CD-ROM containing seventeen supporting management and policy documents, is a vital resource for any institution or individual engaged in the study or practice of site management, conservation planning.
363.69 / HER
Heritage values in site management: four case studies. Marta de la Torre [et. al.]. - Los Angeles Getty Conservation Institute 2005 - v, 233p. 1 CD-ROM
With CD
1.Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site --
2.Chaco Culture National Historical Park --
3.Port Arthur Historic Site --
4.Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site.
The analysis of the four sites featured in Heritage Values in Site Management: Four Case Studies provides a wealth of insights into the creation and management of heritage values. This publication, accompanied by a CD-ROM containing seventeen supporting management and policy documents, is a vital resource for any institution or individual engaged in the study or practice of site management, conservation planning.
363.69 / HER