Builders of the vision :

Llach, Daniel Cardoso

Builders of the vision : Software and the Imagination of Design / Daniel Cardoso Llach - New York : Routledge, 2015. - xxv, 199 p.

1. Introduction: Seeing Software as a Cultural Infrastructure-- 2. Codification Before Software: Architectural Inscriptions and the Design-Construction Split-- Part One 3. Software Comes to Matter: Encoding Geometry, Materials and Machines-- 4. Perfect Slaves and Cooperative Partners: Steven A. Coons and Computers' New Role in Design-- 5. Computer-Aided Revolutions: CAD Experimentalism, Participation and Representation in the Architecture Machine-- 6. Visions of Design: Software Stories About Design, Creativity and Control --
Part Two 7. The Architect's Bargain: Building the 'Bilbao Effect' in the Abu Dhabi Desert-- 8. Contesting the Infrastructure: Resistance Against and Re-Appropriation of a Digital Model-- 9. Rethinking Redundancy: Parametrics of Trust-Building in Digital Practice-- 10. Coda



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