Living in the city: urban institutions in the low countries 1200-2010

Lucassen, Leo ed.

Living in the city: urban institutions in the low countries 1200-2010 - New York Routledge 2012 - vi,: 265p.

Introduction :-- Cities, institutions and migration in the low countries / Leo Lucassen and Wim Willems ; --Urbanisation in the European Middle Ages : phases of openness and occlusion / Wim Blockmans ;-- The desired stranger : attraction and explusion in the medieval city / Marc Boone ; The Dutch 'city republics' : guilds, militias and civic politics / Maarten Prak ; 'City air sets you free' : autonomy and rivalry in the early modern northern Netherlands / Marjolein 't Hart and Manon van der Heijden ;-- Employment, education and social assistance : the economic attraction of early modern cities / Elsie van Nederveen Meerkerk ; The literary image of the city : from the Middle Ages until the end of the nineteenth century / Herman Pleij, Lia van Gemert and Marita Mathijsen ; The Hague, city of wealth : urban governance and culture in the nineteenth century / Jan Hein Furnée ; The modern city : migration, social control and planning, 1850-present / Dirk Jan Wolffram ; The city and the art of earning : cultural industries in the twentieth-century Netherlands / Michaël Deinema and Robert Kloosterman ; Why cities prosper as deltas : the urbanisation of the Eurodelta / Luuk Boelens and Ed Taverne ; Why people want to live in the city : looking back / Leo Lucassen and Wim Willems.


Urbanization-Benelux countries

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