How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets /
Farquharson, Edward
How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets / Edward Farquharson, Clemencia Torres de Mastle, , E.R. Yescombe and Javier Encinas. - Washington: World Bank, 2011. - xvi,178 p.
1: Introduction--
2: Defining Public-Private Partnerships--
3: Setting The Framework--
4: Selecting Projects--
5: Financing Ppp Projects--
6: Preparing Projects For Market--
7: Project Advisers; 8: Managing The Initial Interface With The Private Sector--
9: Managing Procurement--
10: After Signing--
11: Conclusion; Appendixes; References; Index; Back cover
There is increasing interest in the use of public-private partnerships in emerging markets. But what does this actually require governments to do if they are to establish successful long term partnerships with private partners and ensure that public partner has the right information, on the right projects, for the right partners at the right time.? This book takes the reader through the steps in the life of a PPP to provide a realistic overview of what is required successfully to engage and manage such a partnership from the early stages. Drawing on experience from both mature and developing P.
Public-Private Sector Cooperation
Public works Finance
352.29 / HOW
How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets / Edward Farquharson, Clemencia Torres de Mastle, , E.R. Yescombe and Javier Encinas. - Washington: World Bank, 2011. - xvi,178 p.
1: Introduction--
2: Defining Public-Private Partnerships--
3: Setting The Framework--
4: Selecting Projects--
5: Financing Ppp Projects--
6: Preparing Projects For Market--
7: Project Advisers; 8: Managing The Initial Interface With The Private Sector--
9: Managing Procurement--
10: After Signing--
11: Conclusion; Appendixes; References; Index; Back cover
There is increasing interest in the use of public-private partnerships in emerging markets. But what does this actually require governments to do if they are to establish successful long term partnerships with private partners and ensure that public partner has the right information, on the right projects, for the right partners at the right time.? This book takes the reader through the steps in the life of a PPP to provide a realistic overview of what is required successfully to engage and manage such a partnership from the early stages. Drawing on experience from both mature and developing P.
Public-Private Sector Cooperation
Public works Finance
352.29 / HOW