Testing Statistical Hypotheses /
Lehmann, E.L.
Testing Statistical Hypotheses / by E.L. Lehmann - 3rd ed. - New Delhi: Springer (India), 2009. - xiv, 784p.
I.Small sample theory--
1.The general decision problem--
2.The probability background--
3.Uniformly most powerful tests--
4.Unbiasedness : theory and first applications--
5.Unbiasedness : applications to normal distributions--
7.Linear hypotheses --
8.The minimax principle--
9.Multiple testing and simultaneous inference--
II LFarge-sample theory--
11.Basic large sample theory--
12.Quadratic mean differentiable families--
13.Large sample optimality--
14.Testing goodness of fit --
15.General large sample methods.
519.56 / LEH-T
Testing Statistical Hypotheses / by E.L. Lehmann - 3rd ed. - New Delhi: Springer (India), 2009. - xiv, 784p.
I.Small sample theory--
1.The general decision problem--
2.The probability background--
3.Uniformly most powerful tests--
4.Unbiasedness : theory and first applications--
5.Unbiasedness : applications to normal distributions--
7.Linear hypotheses --
8.The minimax principle--
9.Multiple testing and simultaneous inference--
II LFarge-sample theory--
11.Basic large sample theory--
12.Quadratic mean differentiable families--
13.Large sample optimality--
14.Testing goodness of fit --
15.General large sample methods.
519.56 / LEH-T