Protecting the cultural heritage:

Biswas, S. S.

Protecting the cultural heritage: National Legislation and International Conventions / by S.S. Biswas - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 1999. - x, 263p.

1.Introduction --
2.The Indian treasure trove Act,1978--
3.The ancient monuments preservation Act,1904--
4.The antiquities Act,1947--
5.The antiquities rules,1947--
6.The Ancient monuments and archaeological sites and remains act 1958--
7.The ancient monuments and archaeological site and remains 1959 --
8.The ancient and art treasures act 1972--
9.The Antiquities and art treasures rules 1973--
10.Hos's and wthy's of antiquities regulation some questions answered --
11.UNESCO Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict ( The Hague 1954 )--
12.Review of the convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict convention of 1954 --
13.Recommendation for the protection of movable cultural property 1978--
14.Final act of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of the draft unidroit convention on the international return of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects --
15.Standard form concerning requests for return or restitution--
16.Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the Illicit import , export and transfer of ownership of cultural property 1970 --
17.List of states having deposited an instrument of ratification acceptance accession or succession as of july 1995--
18.Regulation for the execution of the convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict --
19.ICOM code of professional ethics--
20.Guideline for loans.


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